Dear students, parents and carers,
2024 Changes to Mobile Phone Procedures at Monaro High School
As you would be aware, in Term 4 2023 the NSW Department of Education released the Student Use of Mobile Phones in School policy. This policy prohibits the use of student mobile phones during school hours without exceptional circumstances. We appreciate your support as this process has been implemented.
As the term has progressed, we have identified some issues in the school which still do not align with the mobile phone policy, and we will be implementing the following changes at the beginning of 2024:
Purchasing at the Canteen
At the moment, some students use their mobile phones to electronically purchase food at the canteen. Whilst convenient, this contradicts the regulations set out in the mobile phone policy. From Day 1, 2024 students will only be able to use a physical credit/debit card or cash to buy food at the canteen. If you or your child need support to acquire a physical debit card, please contact the school.
Students found with their mobile phones or attached electronic devices
Currently students who are found to have their mobile phone (not off and in their bags) can have their devices confiscated up to three times per term before further action is taken. We have a number of students taking advantage of these warnings and not being deterred from using their phone and making it difficult for the school to create a mobile free environment.
In 2024, students will only be given one warning per year, where their phone will be sealed and secured in the Deputy Principal’s office, to be collected by the student at the end of the day. Any subsequent confiscation of mobile phones will require parents to collect the device from the school. After two incidents, the school will review the reason why a student continues to breach the mobile phone policy and may implement more serious consequences.
Supporting you and your child/children in a mobile free school
Having a mobile phone free school has multiple benefits for students, teachers and the community. However, we understand that there are times when not having access to mobile technology can cause a number of problems for families. We can offer the following supports to students and families:
- For students with specific medical conditions that require use of mobile app technology (i.e. diabetes monitoring devices and insulin pumps attached to an app) the school can organise an exemption for use. This exemption needs to be attached to an individual health care plan which can be organised with our Learning Support Team. Please contact Mrs Lee Riley – our Head Teacher of Wellbeing, to discuss.
- Students who need to privately contact home during the school day can do so from a specific and discreet phone set up at the school. They should speak to the Deputy Principal to arrange this. If parents need to urgently talk to their children privately, they can ring the school and we will organise a secure place for them to talk to you in a very short period of time.
- There may be exceptional one day circumstances where students need their mobile phones. In this case, an email or letter to the Deputy Principal will allow us to provide an exemption on a day-to-day basis. These will only be issued in case of significant emergencies, and the DP may contact you to advise that the day pass is not being issued and other options that are in place.
If you have any questions regarding our mobile phone procedures, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 02 6453 1500. One of our executive staff will be in touch to assist you.